In the future we plan to have a web interface to administrate the Thermostat API server, however since this does not exist yet for the time being the server is primarily adiministrated via Adminer in the Thermostat dev tools. You can access this by logging into the Thermostat API server using ssh
. Then navigate to the Thermostat application folder using cd /home/deploy/thermostat
. Then view the Thermostat database credentials using cat data/api/.env
. Then open the Thermostat dev tools using with_ssh_agent thermostat develop dev-tools --public
. Open then URL that is provided in your web browser and click on the "Adminer" link. Enter the database credentials that you got from the .env
file below and click "Login". You will then have access to the Adminer GUI interface that can be used to view and modify the data stored in the Thermostat database.
Backups are stored in the data folder of the Thermostat application at data/api/backups
, this can be used to manually download a backup for an application if nessesary. Each folder there contains backups for a particular Thermostat application, and the folder is named using that application's ID number. You should find the application ID number by viewing the application list in the database using the instructions above.